Best Car Accident Attorney in Chicopee Massachusetts
(413) 592-0999
The So-Called Independent Medical Exam is a favorite insurance company tactic to avoid paying medical bills, deny you treatment, and devalue your injury claim. Your own car insurance company makes you attend a medical exam by a doctor they hire who usually says you don’t need the treatment your doctor recommends. Know what to expect. Atty. Shute can help you avoid their traps.
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“The Three Second Rule” is recommended by Road Safety experts for avoiding rear-end crashes and multi-car pileups. Stay at least 3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you; 6 or more seconds in inclement weather.
Texting- Sending or Reading a text distracts a driver from other vehicles, obstacles and lane lines for about 4-5 seconds. At 55 mph the vehicle travels more than the length of a football field in that time.

333 Front St., Suite 4,
Chicopee, Massachusetts
Phone: (413) 592-0999

Free Case Evaluation
Attorney Shute
Attorney Shute knows the “rules of the road” and can sort out complicated and conflicting crash stories so that you get treated fairly and receive the compensation you need. Atty. Shute is available for your free consultation, day or evening, at your convenience. Call any time-413-592-0999.